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Cookie policy 2017-12-07T13:13:14+00:00

Cookie policy

In this site, the use of cookies is exclusively intended to ensure functional use of new technologies and to improve the online experience of our users. The following is a short guide to cookies and how to customise and remove them.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a text file that is saved on your computer or mobile device and which allows a website to store browsing preferences to provide a more efficient performance. Thanks to cookies, the interaction between website and user is more efficient.

How do they work?

Cookies are only able to store text, which is always in an anonymous and encrypted form. No personal information is stored, and this can also not be associated with persons identified or identifiable. The data allows this type of information to be maintained between pages, avoiding the reception or reinsertion of this information.

How can cookies be removed?

By accessing the settings of the browser in use, you can clear the browser cache, thereby deleting all the stored data. The following links show how cookies can be deactivated on the most commonly used browsers